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Join The Movement-Get your "ONE" Tee

ONE God ONE Baltimore ONE Family ONE Nation under God ONE Community ONE Purpose Recently, Baltimore has taken the media by storm with issues regarding injustice, corruption and the outrageous number of murders the community has suffered since the beginning of 2015. We have realized the importance of uplifting our communities along with holding ourselves and each other accountable for our actions. These actions affect "US" the people, from our neighborhoods and schools along with our local and national governments. First, we must shed light on our issues at home. According to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore was ranked 3rd in the nation regarding estimated HIV diagnosed cases in 2013. We must educate our children and ourselves. We must positively influence our community. We must promote health and prosperity throughout our city and our nation. We are not merely just people. WE ARE A MOVEMENT! Come join us for this powerful event as we begin to put our city back together. There will be special musical guests along with some of the city's Politicians coming together for this event. A portion of the proceeds will be given to an HIV Awareness Organization.

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